Have you thought about coaching?

Do people come to you for advice or to talk about their difficulties in life? Do you wish that you were more equipped to help people?

Sometimes the people we interact with, whether at work or in our personal lives, may feel stuck, overwhelmed, and weary. What if we had more resources to assist them?

Coaching can inspire change for the better and encourage positive transformation.

Learning coaching skills has many valuable benefits professionally and personally. You have two beneficial training choices to consider.

Option 1:  Coaching Principles

  • Live virtual training focused on 7 coaching principles.

  • Includes a free individual coaching session afterward.

Option 2:  Coaching Certification

  • Live virtual training focused on 7 coaching principles.

  • Learn life coaching skills at your own pace with an online course.

  • Get a life coach certification after completing the training.

  • Plus, a free coaching session after finishing the course.

Participants stated the coaching training positively impacted others, as well as their own lives by:

✴ Increasing confidence

✴ Empowering action

✴ Equipping growth

✴ Discovering direction

✴ Overcoming roadblocks

✴ Achieving goals

✴ Encouraging accountability 

✴ Developing listening and communication skills

✴ Gaining more job and life satisfaction

✴ Motivating and inspiring change for the better

Coaching is a growing industry used in many organizations. Danelle believes coaching is valuable for helping people, so she created a simple, doable, and versatile training for everyone to understand.

As you learn to help others, you’ll discover simple concepts to benefit your life personally and professionally.

This is a great place to start your coaching training!

✴ Special prices available for private groups.

✴ Payment plan option available for individuals.

Begin now or contact Danelle to learn more.